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python game: Super Mario source download

posted on 2021-04-27 02:51     comment (0)     like (0)

python game-pinball game source code download

python game-pinball game source code download

posted on 2021-04-27 02:53     comment (0)     like (0)

Python game-Xiao Xiaole source download

Python game-Xiao Xiaole source download

posted on 2021-04-27 10:22     comment (0)     like (0)

Python games-fioodit source download

A grid of tiles of six colors starts randomly. The player can perform "filling" on the upper left ti

posted on 2021-04-27 10:24     comment (0)     like (0)

Python games-Sokoban source code download

Python games-Sokoban source code download

posted on 2021-04-27 10:27     comment (0)     like (0)

Li Xun's same love code

李峋爱心代码 背景代码运行pycharm打包成exe程序 背景 最近大火的电视剧《点燃我温暖你》出现,令我的家庭地位进一步下降,因为男主“李峋”已经变成了她的大老公,而我就被打入冷

posted on 2023-05-07 20:12     comment (0)     like (0)

pytorch安装GPU版本 (Cuda12.1)教程

Before using this tutorial, you have installed and configured python3 or above by default 1. G

posted on 2023-05-07 20:33     comment (0)     like (18)

A comprehensive introduction to the loss function (easy to understand version)

一:什么是损失函数: 简单的理解就是每一个样本经过模型后会得到一个预测值,然后得到的预测值和真实值的差值就成为损失(当然损失值越小证明模型越是成功),我们知道有许多不同种类的损失函数,这些函数本质上

posted on 2023-05-07 20:35     comment (0)     like (10)

[Artificial intelligence homework] A* and IDA* search algorithms solve fifteen-digit (15-puzzle) problems (Python implementation) (heuristic search)

Astar and IDAstar search algorithms to solve fifteen-digit (15-puzzle) problems (The implementat

posted on 2023-05-07 21:09     comment (0)     like (6)

Python 数据可视化详解

Data visualization is a data presentation technology that converts complex and abstract data into i

posted on 2023-05-07 21:33     comment (0)     like (6)

python ---->> Use urllib library to obtain network resources

My personal blog homepage: If '' can really escape 1️⃣ say 1️⃣ blog homepage (1) about Python b

posted on 2023-05-21 16:42     comment (0)     like (29)


Article directory Problem Descriptionproblem analysisSolutionReferences Problem Description

posted on 2023-05-21 17:01     comment (0)     like (8)

Python Experiment Eight Functions (Part 2)

15. Duplicate element determination. Write a function that takes a list as an argument and retur

posted on 2023-05-21 17:12     comment (0)     like (1)

随机森林算法(Random Forest)原理分析及Python实现

Table of contents 1. Basic concepts1. Supervised machine learning2. Regression and classificat

posted on 2023-05-21 18:06     comment (0)     like (20)

The PIL library in Python

Article Directory PIL Basic Syntax1. Introduction1. Basic introduction2. Features3. Installati

posted on 2023-06-06 10:11     comment (0)     like (13)