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目录 1  偏最小二乘的意义​​​​​​​ 2​ ​​​​​​PLS实现步骤 3 弄懂PLS要回答的问题 4 PLS的原理分析 4.1 自变量和因变量的主成分求解原理 4.1.1 确定目标函数 4

posted on 2023-05-03 19:35     comment (0)     like (24)

Summary of map() function in python

** Summary of map() function in python ** 1. About the map() function (1) The map function is a

posted on 2023-05-03 20:27     comment (0)     like (13)

Lecture 25: Character conversion, string splitting, and string merging of Python strings

Article directory 1. Character conversion of strings 1.1. The concept of character conver

posted on 2023-05-03 20:58     comment (0)     like (29)

Python installation tutorial - the most complete in history

Article directory 1 Introduction:2. Enter the home page, click Downloads, select Windows3. As

posted on 2023-05-03 21:08     comment (0)     like (22)

The 14th Blue Bridge Cup Competition Software Group Provincial Competition Python University Group A Individual Violence Problem Solving

4.23 update: 省一咯 Powered by:NEFU AB-IN 文章目录 Python大学A组 个人暴力题解试题 A: 特殊日期题意思路代码 试题 B: 分糖果题意思路代码

posted on 2023-05-07 20:13     comment (0)     like (14)

GPT-4 API 接口调用及价格分析

GPT-4 API interface call and price analysis In the early morning of the 15th, OpenAI released th

posted on 2023-05-07 20:54     comment (0)     like (24)

用 Pyinstaller 模块将 Python 程序打包成 exe 文件(全网最全面最详细)

Table of contents Packaging pre-knowledge 1. What is an exe executable file? 2. Why should the Pyth

posted on 2023-05-07 21:05     comment (0)     like (6)

Python 人脸识别系统

Introduction Face recognition is different from face detection. In face detection, we only detec

posted on 2023-05-21 16:40     comment (0)     like (13)


Article directory 1 Introduction to Anaconda2 Introduction to conda3 Install Anaconda4 Use of

posted on 2023-05-21 16:42     comment (0)     like (18)

Section 24 Abnormal

10.3 Exceptions Python uses special objects called exceptions to manage errors that occur during pr

posted on 2023-05-21 17:05     comment (0)     like (21)

[The 11th Teddy Cup Data Mining Challenge in 2023] Question B: Data Analysis and Demand Forecasting Modeling of Product Orders and Detailed Explanation of Python Code Question 1

Related Links (1) Modeling scheme [The Eleventh Teddy Cup Data Mining Challenge in 2023] Questi

posted on 2023-05-21 17:27     comment (0)     like (16)

YOLOv5-6.1 adds attention mechanism (SE, CBAM, ECA, CA)

Table of contents 0. Add method1. SE1.1 SE1.2 C3-SE 2. CBAM2.1 CBAM2.2 C3-CBAM 3. ECA3.1 ECA3.

posted on 2023-05-21 17:27     comment (0)     like (20)


Help everyone learn to use OpenAI's various APIs to develop applications and learn multiple re

posted on 2023-05-21 17:36     comment (0)     like (21)

Be careful with the first update after Anaconda3-2023.03 installation

In recent years, Anaconda has provided two offline upgrade installation packages every year. Two

posted on 2023-05-21 18:26     comment (0)     like (11)


Article Directory Prior knowledgeAnaconda downloadAnaconda installationAnaconda configuration

posted on 2023-06-03 20:37     comment (0)     like (30)