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Python CNN convolutional neural network example explanation, CNN actual combat, CNN code example, super practical

1. Introduction to CNN 1. Neural Network Basics In the input layer (Input layer), many neurons (Ne

posted on 2023-05-03 20:43     comment (0)     like (30)

Python Matplotlib 中如何用 plt.savefig 存储图片

目录 前言正文 前言展示图片的时候,截图进行保存,图片不是多么清晰 如何保存高清图也是一知识点 函数包名:import matplotlib.pyplot as

posted on 2023-05-03 20:56     comment (0)     like (26)

Take you to play with Python crawlers (don't enter if you are timid) and don't do bad things...

This class is very dangerous, hahahaha, just kidding you Table of contents written in front 1 Un

posted on 2023-05-21 17:10     comment (0)     like (11)


Article directory foreword1. What is the wordcloud library?2. Install the wordcloud library3.

posted on 2023-05-21 17:13     comment (0)     like (7)


Table of contents 1. random.random(): returns a floating-point number randomly generated in the ran

posted on 2023-05-21 18:04     comment (0)     like (23)


Collection of Python study notes Collection of Python study notes (summary)On the first day, I

posted on 2023-05-21 18:12     comment (0)     like (11)


Python is packaged into an exe file foreword1. Install pyinstaller1.1 Install pyinstaller, use

posted on 2023-05-21 18:30     comment (0)     like (5)


know what we're going to do Install Anaconda Configure Anaconda 's environment variables  Set

posted on 2023-06-03 19:41     comment (0)     like (26)


XPath is a language for finding information in XML documents. It was originally used to search X

posted on 2023-06-06 11:04     comment (0)     like (13)


1. Multi-layer perceptron model based on BP algorithm The multi-layer perceptron using BP algorithm

posted on 2023-06-06 11:24     comment (0)     like (8)

AI绘图提示词/咒语/词缀/关键词使用指南(Stable Diffusion Prompt 设计师操作手册)

Basic knowledge : Installation and problem solving reference: " Windows installation Stable Dif

posted on 2023-06-06 11:39     comment (0)     like (10)


            Python crawling Baidu pictures is generally relatively simple. The idea of ​​​​crawling

posted on 2023-06-06 11:44     comment (0)     like (30)

DDDDOCR installation and use

DDDDOCR image verification code recognition technology When we browse the web every day, a pictu

posted on 2023-06-06 12:25     comment (0)     like (0)

Programmer's 520 Fancy Drawing Love Code Encyclopedia

Disclaimer : The code is ancestral code, I don't know who is the original one, please modify it.

posted on 2023-06-06 12:40     comment (0)     like (26)

ChatGPT local deployment and construction

This article briefly describes the detailed tutorial of the local deployment of the Tsinghua open s

posted on 2023-06-06 12:57     comment (0)     like (21)