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How to write software testing resume project experience, no project experience?

posted on 2023-06-06 17:24     read(976)     comment(0)     like(26)     collect(4)

what to do? Can only accept low-paying jobs? No No No. This article will teach you how to solve this problem.

In order to help you completely solve the stumbling block of "no project", the next article will start from the following aspects:

1. Where should I find the project?

2. Among the many projects, how to choose the one that suits you?

3. When you find a project, how should you write it in your resume?

4. How to introduce the project written in the resume during the interview?



Where should I look for projects?

If you have no project experience, you can practice by finding some public projects. So where to find it?

1. You can search for some open source projects in Github

2. You can search for some open source projects in Gitee



3. You can accumulate experience by analyzing product prototypes on the product prototype website



4. I will secretly tell you about a website today. This website has many projects - Chuanzhi project library, directly link to



Four platforms, there are so many software testing projects, it's great.



With so many projects, how do I choose the project that suits me?

Telling you so many projects, you don't know which one to pick. Is there a feeling that the emperor chooses his concubine and is dazzled? In fact, as long as you follow a few principles, you will be fine.

1. Four small principles for selecting projects

  1. Choose based on your work experience

If you have experience in related industries before or now, you can choose those related to your own industry. After all, you are familiar with the process and functions of the project.

For example, if you were a real estate agency before and know real estate apps very well, then you can choose this kind of project as your resume project.

2. Choose according to the technology you have mastered

If you are only good at functional testing, you can choose some functions with more functions and relatively complicated business processes to show your functional testing capabilities.

3. Choose according to the projects you are familiar with

This is recommended for fresh graduates with no work experience. You can choose familiar projects in our life, such as WeChat, Douyin, Zhihu, Toutiao and other apps.

4. Choose according to your own ideas

For example, if I don't want to be similar to other people's projects, I can choose individual ones.

2. Teach you how to find projects on the project website

The above mentioned what kind of projects should be looked for, and then I will give you an example to show you how to find specific projects.

For example, I am a classmate who has studied function + interface testing. Because I have studied TpShop mall, I am more familiar with the mall, so I want to find a mall project that has the highlights of function + interface testing.

Ok, after clarifying the requirements, let's find them in gitee:



View Results



Choose one of:



Look at the complete documentation on gitee, it is our savior, and there is also a project demonstration address:



The technology stack of the project is written:



The development tools are all listed. Surprisingly, isn't it:



3. How to understand the project?

The above mentioned how to select projects, but there is a major prerequisite for writing projects into your resume, that is, you need to understand the testing process of the project, so that you can carry out similar tests on selected projects.

Otherwise, no matter how suitable the project is, it may be a time bomb during the interview.

How to gain project process experience, here are two dark horse project video tutorials recommended, I suggest you watch them repeatedly.

The first project is the TpShop project (must see for functional testing):

TPshop is an excellent mall online store system and small program e-commerce system service provider in China. It has focused on e-commerce platform construction, enterprise mall customization and development, and small program production and development for eleven years. It can provide B2C, B2B2C multi-user malls, community O2O, full Channel new retail, social e-commerce, intra-city regional e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce, small program marketing system, distribution system, cash register system and other solutions.



Technical Highlights

• Build a complete knowledge system for Web and APP project testing.

•Application and relevant principles of debugging tools such as fidder in testing.

• Test plan and test program writing.

•Use the selenium automated testing framework to operate self-media

• Platform and background management system for automated testing.

• Use the appium automated testing framework to automate the testing of the client APP.

•Use PO mode to design the framework of automated testing framework.

• Adopt pytest testing framework to manage maintenance cases.

•Introduce data-driven technology to realize the separation of test scripts and test data.

• Use logging to realize log collection.














































  1. 项目描述(可参考项目网站中的项目介绍)






①.商品管理:商品和商品包的添加、修改、 删除、复制、批处理、商品计划上下架、SEO、商品多媒体上传等,可以定义商品是实体还是虚拟,可以定义是否预订、是否缺货销售等。



④.品牌管理:添加、修改、删除、上传品牌 LOGO。


3. 技术亮点(特别重要,手把手教你怎么撰写)

① 我们首先要明确自己负责的模块。简历话术可以这样组织 :
负责该项目 web 端中首页、轮播图、搜索、购物车功能测试及接口测试。

② 在测试开始肯定要参与需求评审。简历话术就出来喽 :

③ 需求评审会完成之后,我们是不是要分析功能点,进行用例设计呢。那么简历话术你肯定会写:


④ 开发完成接口代码完成之后,我们是不是要根据API文档进行接口测试呢?简历话术:
对所负责模块 API 文档进行解析,编写接口文档,并编写接口测试用例,完成后组织用例评审。

⑤ 后续回归测试我们是不是可以使用代码来完成,提高效率呢?不用说,简历话术就出来了是吧:
运用 Python+unittest+requests 框架搭设项目接口自动化测试框架,编写自动化测试脚本,执行。

⑥ 测试过程中发现bug,我们肯定不能不管。所以接下来的流程你都懂的,简历话术:发现 bug 通过禅道指定给相关的开发人员,并持续追踪至 bug 闭合。

⑦ 针对于疑难杂症该如何处理呢?发挥我们的聪明才智,简历话术:
执行负责模块的功能测试用例,通过 Fiddler 抓包工具对前后端 bug 进行准确定位。并通过禅道指派给对应的开发人员,配合其将 bug 修复。

⑧ 功能测试完成之后,是不是还要考虑兼容性呢???简历话术:
对 web 端系统进行兼容性、易用性等非功能性测试。

⑨ 经过一段时间的测试,我们测试的结果是什么呢?测试报告喽!







Functional + Interface Testing Resume Template



Automated Interface Testing Resume Template



How to introduce the project written in the resume during the interview?

The reason why we write project experience in our resume, don't forget that the fundamental purpose is to find a job. Therefore, after writing the resume project, it is not over yet, and we must prepare to introduce our resume project appropriately during the interview.

When explaining the project to the interviewer, it must focus on the following aspects:    

 1) Project name;

 2) Development time (here is a point of attention: don’t say the time is too short, but you should add the time of previous conception, demand analysis, preparation work, etc.);

 3) Project description (what to do);

 4) Project responsibilities (clearly explain your responsibilities, and at the same time, in order to improve your technical image, you can make the project bigger);

 5) The technology used for the purpose (the technology should describe high-end as much as possible, so as to enhance the technology image in the mind of the other party);

 6) Consider increasing the tools used in detail (for example: Jmeter, Postman, Jira, etc.);

 7) Highlights of the project;

 8) In your own project, you can think of some ideas that are not available in the market but you think are very creative. It doesn't matter whether it is realized or not, but your impression on the interviewer will be raised to another level;

 9) Project experience (it can be said: multi-person collaboration, problems encountered, improved skills).

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source:python black hole net

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