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Solve ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes error in Python

posted on 2023-06-06 17:34     read(497)     comment(0)     like(18)     collect(1)

Solve ValueError in Python : operands could not be broadcast together with shapes error

In Python programming , you may encounter errors similar to "ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes". This kind of error is usually related to the shape mismatch of the operands. This error can occur, for example, when trying to perform operations on arrays of different shapes.

When this kind of error occurs, the following methods can generally be adopted to solve it:

1. View the shape of the array

To fix this, we first need to understand which arrays have shape mismatches. Therefore, we can use the shape property of the NumPy library to view the shape of an array.

For example, suppose we have two NumPy arrays a and b, we can use the following code to see their shapes:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])


The output should be:

(3, 1)

From the above output results, it can be seen that the shape of array a is (3,), and the shape of array b is (3,1).

2. Change the shape of the array

If the shape of an array does not meet the requirements, we can use the reshape() function of the NumPy library to change the shape of the array. For example, we can change the shape of array a to (3,1) to match the shape of array b:

a = a.reshape(3,1)

3. Use broadcast function

If we need to operate on two arrays with mismatched shapes, we can use the NumPy library's broadcasting function. Broadcasting is an automatic mechanism &

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source:python black hole net

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