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Wanke cloud brush home assistant (2023-01-19 personal test)

posted on 2023-06-06 10:06     read(297)     comment(0)     like(10)     collect(2)

Required software: access code: kjw4

Zero. Flash into armbian.

0.1 Use the Aml Burn Tool software to burn the preferred base package to the firmware. After the burning is completed, disconnect the power supply of the Wankeyun for backup. (The hole near the hdmi.)

0.2 Use the rufus software to write the emmc firmware into the U disk.

0.3 After the writing is successful, first insert the U disk into the USB port of Oneke Cloud near the network cable interface, and then connect the power supply. After the Wankeyun is powered on, the indicator light will first turn on the green light, then turn on the blue light, flash red and blue, and finally the blue light will always be on. Wait until it is confirmed that the blue light is always on, and then unplug the U disk and power supply. (It is best to start the Wankeyun once after the blue light is always on to see if the ssh is normal.)

0.4 Use rufus to write WKY-Armbian_20.12_5.9.0 firmware.

0.5 After the firmware is successfully written, insert the U disk again to the USB port near the end of the network cable. After the U disk is inserted, connect the power supply of Onekeyun and its network cable. At this time, the blue light will always be on. Open the LAN viewing tool to find the IP of Onekeyun.

0.6 Use MobaXterm, ssh to connect to the LAN IP obtained before.

User: root, password: 1234 (change the password if prompted)

0.7 flashed into armbian5.9.

cd /boot/install/

sudo ./

0.8 Disconnect the power of Wankeyun, unplug the U disk, wait for a while and then restart Wankeyun

1. Install the required environment packages ( install all in order not to make mistakes)

apt update

apt upgrade -y

apt-get install -y arm-linux-gnueabihf* autoconf build-essential gcc lcov libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libsqlite3-dev libffi-dev libjpeg-dev libssl-dev libopenjp2-7 libtiff5 libturbojpeg0-dev libpcap-dev ldap-utils python-dev python3-dev python3-venv python3-pip zlib1g-dev sqlite* tzdata tox valgrind zlib*

2. Install python3 (after testing, version 3.10.6 can be installed with HA)

download: wget (可以自己下载然后放到root目录下)

Decompression: tar xvf Python-3.10.6.tgz Python-3.10.6/

Enter the directory: cd Python-3.10.6

配置:./configure  --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions --enable-optimizations --with-ssl --prefix=/usr/local/python-3.10

Compile and install: make && make install

3. Set up python

3.1 Setting environment variables

cd /etc/profile.d


3.2 Write the following content in the file (python is mainly based on reality)

export PATH=/usr/local/python-3.10/bin:$PATH

alias py='/usr/local/python-3.10/bin/python3.10'

3.3 Execute the following command to make the above configuration file take effect immediately

source /etc/profile.d/

3.4 Add domestic sources

Modify the ~/.pip/pip.conf file, if not, create it

mkdir -p ~/.pip/ && vim ~/.pip/pip.conf

Paste the following content (domestic sources can be replaced by themselves)

[global]timeout = 6000

index-url =

trusted-host =

4. Install homeassisant

4.1 Install and compile the environment required for cryptography

curl -sSf | sh

source "$HOME/.cargo/env"



4.2 Install the latest version of SQLite


tar -xvf sqlite-autoconf-3390200.tar.gz

cd sqlite-autoconf-3390200


make && make install

4.3 Install some environments and dependencies

pip3 install wheel

pip3 install aiohttp_cors

pip3 install --upgrade pip

pip3 install sqlalchemy

pip3 install frontend_assets

pip3 install fnvhash

pip3 install pyproject-toml

pip3 install homeassistant


4.5 Log in to hass for the first time

hass ( the time should be a bit long, what is missing, what is missing, can be run multiple times until there is no need to install anything)

The browser accesses IP:8123 until the ha login page appears

4.6 Add the service file to the system service
sudo nano -w /etc/systemd/system/home-assistant@root.service

Copy and paste the following


Description=Home Assistant






Ctrl + X , Y, Enter to save and exit

The startup configuration takes effect

systemctl daemon-reload

Service starts automatically

sudo systemctl enable home-assistant@root

start service

systemctl start home-assistant@root

 At this point, homeassistant has completed the installation

Install HACS (easy to install various plug-ins)

wget -O - | DOMAIN=hacs REPO_PATH=hacs-china/integration ARCHIVE_TAG=china bash -

Category of website: technical article > Blog



source:python black hole net

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