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posted on 2023-05-07 21:27     read(735)     comment(0)     like(19)     collect(5)

  This article describes how to install Python language modules in the Anaconda environment.SciPy

  SciPyis a Python -based scientific computing library for solving various problems in scientific, engineering, and technical computing. It is built on the basis of the NumPy library and provides a large number of efficient and easy-to-use functions, including statistical analysis, signal processing, optimization, linear algebra, image processing, ordinary differential equations, and more. This article will introduce how to configure this library in the Anaconda environment.SciPy

  First, open the Anaconda Prompt software, as shown in the figure below.

  Here, since I want to configure the library in a Pythonpy38 virtual environment named Python , I first enter this environment through the following code; for the creation and entry of the virtual environment, you can refer to the article Creating a Python virtual environment in Anaconda, Use and deletion (

activate py38

  Run the above code to enter the specified virtual environment. Then, we enter the following code.

conda install -c anaconda scipy

  Run the above code, wait for a while, and the words shown in the figure below will appear.

insert image description here

  Next, enter yto start SciPythe configuration of the library. Wait for a while, and the situation shown in the figure below will appear, which means that SciPythe library has been configured.

insert image description here

SciPyAt this point, we can check whether the configuration of the library   is successfully completed through the code shown in the figure below .

insert image description here

  If no error is reported, SciPythe library has been successfully configured.

  So far, you're done.

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