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tensorflow detailed installation tutorial (Win10, Anaconda, Python3.9)

posted on 2023-05-07 20:58     read(272)     comment(0)     like(10)     collect(2)

tensorflow detailed installation tutorial (Win10, Anaconda, Python3.9)

1. Preparations for the tensorflow version

The difference between the CPU version and the GPU version is mainly in the running speed, and the GPU version runs faster, so if the computer graphics card supports cuda, it is recommended to install the gpu version.

The operation is not complicated. At first I thought it would be troublesome to download so many things, and I didn't want to do it. But for the sake of speed, I finally tried to install it and found that it was not that difficult to do.

1.1 CPU version, no additional preparation required

The CPU version can be installed on general computers, and there is no need to prepare additional graphics card content.

1.2 GPU version, need to download cuda and cudnn in advance

According to the instructions on the webpage to install TensorFlow ( on Windows , the following four conditions need to be met.Please add a picture description

  1. Check the graphics card of the computer, this computer → right click and select management → device manager → display adapter.

    The core display UHD Graphics 630 and the independent display GeForce GTX 1050 mainly depend on the independent display GeForce GTX 1050.

    Select NVDIA GeForce GTX 1050, right-click and select Properties →Driver, you can see that the driver has been installed. One of four conditions is met.Please add a picture description
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  2. Check out CUDA Compute Capability at CUDA GPUs | NVIDIA Developer . Take a screenshot of some content, you can see that the Compute Capability of GeForce GTX 1050 is 6.1 to meet one of the four conditions.
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  3. Check the CUDA version of the computer. Right click on the icon NVDIA Control Panel → System Information → Components, in the red box, you can see that the CUDA version is 11.1.
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  4. Download cuda and cudnn. Download the corresponding cuda and cudnn from the official website. The version can be lower than but not higher than the version supported by the computer. cuda download address: CUDA Toolkit Archive | NVIDIA Developer , cudnn download address: cuDNN Archive | NVIDIA Developer

    I downloaded CUDA Toolkit 11.0.0, select the corresponding system, version and other options, and download the installation package.

    Download the corresponding version of cuDNN. The choice here is cuDNN v8.0.5 for CUDA 11.0.Please add a picture descriptionPlease add a picture descriptionPlease add a picture description

  5. CUDA installation: select custom installation → default installation path → installation is complete

    After the installation is complete, two system variables are generated by default.

    View system variables: This computer→right click to select properties →advanced system settings→environment variables→system variables Please add a picture description
    Here you can find the path in the system variables, then edit and add some paths, and finally there are four in total, and add additional paths if necessary in the future , can be added here.Please add a picture description

  6. cuDNN installation: unzip → copy the three folders to the cuda installation directory, and just choose to overwrite the file.Please add a picture description

    After the installation is complete, test the cuda version.

    Open cmd and enter the command:

    nvcc -V

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    So far, the four conditions have been met.

2. Download Anaconda

2.1 Download and install Anaconda

The download address is Anaconda | Anaconda Distribution , the version I installed is Python3.9, remember to choose to automatically configure environment variables during the installation process.
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After the installation is complete, open Anaconda Prompt and enter the command:

conda --version查看安装的版本

conda env list查看已经安装的环境,右边“*”表示当前使用的环境

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2.2 Create environment

  1. To create a tensorflow environment, enter the command: conda create -n tensorflow python=3.9, which means to create an environment named tensorflow. The python version used in this environment is version 3.9
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  2. After the creation is successful, enter the command: conda env list, you can see that the tensorflow environment has been created, and the asterisk is the current environment (basic environment base).
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  3. Enter the environment, enter the command: activate tensorflow, you can enter the tensorflow environment.
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    Because my conda environment is in the D drive, I changed the path as follows. If anaconda is installed in the default path, this step is not required.
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  4. Install the default version of tensorflow-cpu or tensorflow-gpu.

    If cuda is not configured and the tensorflow-cpu version is installed, you can enter the command: pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow
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    After configuring cuda and installing the tensorflow-gpu version, you can enter the command: pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-gpuPlease add a picture description

    Then after downloading for a while, an error will be reported, which is the reason for the network speed.

    The solution is: find the file tensorflow_gpu-2.8.0-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (438.0 MB).


    网址tensorflow-gpu · PyPI,下载文件到D:\Anaconda3\envs\tensorflow\这个目录下。

    输入命令:pip install tensorflow_gpu-2.8.0-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl Please add a picture descriptionPlease add a picture descriptionPlease add a picture description

    这个时候又报错ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement XXX


    pip install 库包 -i --trusted-host 这里将pip源换成清华源、阿里源等都适用。
    pip install tensorflow_gpu-2.8.0-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl -i --trusted-host

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    1.pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-gpu
    3.pip install tensorflow_gpu-2.8.0-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl -i --trusted-host


    输入命令:pip show tensorflow-gpu,可以查看tensorflow的版本信息
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  5. 退出环境:conda deactivate


  1. 打开Anaconda,选择tensorflow环境,打开spyder,第一次打开需要安装Spyder,直接点下方的install即可。 Please add a picture description

  2. 测试代码

    import tensorflow as tf
    a = tf.constant(1.)
    b = tf.constant(2.)


    Could not load dynamic library ‘cusolver64_11.dll‘; dlerror: cusolver64_11.dll not found



    下载文件,把文件cusolver64_11.dll添加到创建的环境\Library\bin中 Please add a picture description

    程序正常运行,输出结果 Please add a picture description


    import tensorflow as tf
    import timeit
    def cpu_run():
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
            cpu_a = tf.random.normal([10000, 1000])
            cpu_b = tf.random.normal([1000, 2000])
            cpu_c = tf.matmul(cpu_a, cpu_b)
            # print( "cpu_a: ", cpu_a.device)
            # print( "cpu_b: ", cpu_b.device)
            # print("cpu_c:", cpu_c.device)
        return cpu_c
    def gpu_run():
        with tf.device( '/gpu:0'):
            gpu_a = tf.random. normal([ 10000,1000])
            gpu_b = tf.random. normal([ 1000, 2000])
            gpu_c = tf.matmul(gpu_a, gpu_b)
            # print( "gpu_a: ", gpu_a.device)
            # print("gpu_b: ", gpu_b.device)
            # print("gpu_c: ", gpu_c.device)
        return gpu_c
    cpu_time = timeit.timeit(cpu_run, number = 10)
    gpu_time = timeit.timeit(gpu_run, number = 10)
    print('cpu:',cpu_time, 'gpu:',gpu_time)

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Install Anaconda/Python3.9/Tensorflow_Miska_Muska's Blog-CSDN Blog_anaconda install tensorflow

Install and run tensorflow_w_66666 blog in Anaconda - CSDN blog _anaconda how to install tensorflow

Anaconda under conda, pip install tensorflow-gpu_AnnnnnJie's Blog-CSDN Blog

Anaconda installs tensorflow-gpu hand-in-hand tutorial

Anaconda installation and tensorflow configuration_Strong Min Minzi's Blog-CSDN Blog_anaconda tensorflow

Could not load dynamic library 'cusolver64_11.dll'; dlerror: cusolver64_11.dll not found_hungita's Blog-CSDN Blog_cusolver64_11.dll

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source:python black hole net

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