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posted on 2023-05-03 20:36     read(757)     comment(0)     like(28)     collect(3)

This article describes the installation of pytorch in anaconda .
Recently, because of learning needs, I have to download the pytorchGPU version to train the network. I believe that everyone is familiar with pytorch. PyTorch is an open-source Python-first deep learning framework from the Torch7 team , which provides two advanced functions:

  1. Powerful GPU accelerated Tensor computing (similar to numpy)
  2. Building Deep Neural Networks on Tape-Based Automatic Upgrading Systems

So I checked the corresponding version on the Internet, created a virtual environment in anaconda , and then copied the conda command installation on the pytorch official website, but encountered many problems. I checked the Internet, and many articles are about modifying the source, or changing the mirror image, and then increasing the error reporting time, etc. However, many of them were unsuccessful after I tried, and various error reports occurred, and a lot of time was wasted. Finally, directly download the corresponding whl file, install it locally, and finally install it successfully.

Step 1: Check the cuda version of the graphics card corresponding to the computer

Win+r to open and run, enter cmd to open the command line, enter nvidia-smi, and check the cuda version. (The premise is that there is a GPU in the computer)
insert image description here
My cuda version is 11.7

Step 2: Find the corresponding torch and torchvision in the following website, and download the whl file

insert image description here
insert image description here


首先打开anaconda prompt,类似与Windows命令行。打开后默认进入base环境,我们创建一个新的环境(一般我们都不在base环境跑项目)。

conda create -n your_env_name python=x.x



仍然在anaconda prompt中,切换到你创建的环境之中

conda activate your_env_name


pip install your_whl_location

your_whl_location indicates the address of the two whl files you downloaded (you can switch the path to the folder where the whl file is located, and then just use the name of the whl file; you can also use the absolute address directly without switching the path) (absolute address: right click Click the whl file, click properties, click security, the object name is the absolute address)
Note that both whl files need to be pip installed once, and the whl file of torch must be installed first (if torchvision is installed first, it does not detect torch exists, it will automatically download the torch corresponding to the cpu version).
During the installation process, it will automatically install some other necessary packages, like numpy, pillow, etc. Of course, you can also use the pip install command to install these necessary packages first, and then install torch.

Step Five: Verify

After the installation is complete, enter


Enter the python environment and enter the following code

import torch

No error is reported, True means that the GPU version of torch is successfully installed.
insert image description here

Category of website: technical article > Blog



source:python black hole net

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