posted on 2023-05-21 17:49 read(1709) comment(0) like(18) collect(1)
Python's grammatical logic is completely based on indentation, and it is recommended to indent 4 spaces. If it is a top-level code, it must be written in the top case, even if there is only one space, there will be a grammatical error. In the following example, two lines of content must be output if the if condition is satisfied, and both lines of content must be indented and have the same indentation level.
print('hello world!')
if 3 > 0:
x = 3; y = 4 # 不推荐,还是应该写成两行
print(x + y)
print('hello world!')
print('hello', 'world!') # 逗号自动添加默认的分隔符:空格 hello world!
print('hello' + 'world!') # 加号表示字符拼接 helloworld!
print('hello', 'world', sep='***') # 单词间用***分隔 hello***world
print('#' * 50) # *号表示重复 50 遍
print('how are you?', end='') # 默认 print 会打印回车,end=''表示不要回车
print(5 / 2) # 2.5
print(5 // 2) # 丢弃余数,只保留商
print(5 % 2) # 求余数
print(5 ** 3) # 5 的 3 次方
print(5 > 3) # 返回 True
print(3 > 5) # 返回 False
print(20 > 10 > 5) # python 支持连续比较
print(20 > 10 and 10 > 5) # 与上面相同含义
print(not 20 > 10) # False
number = input("请输入数字:") # input 用于获取键盘输入
print(type(number)) # input 获得的数据是字符型
print(number + 10) # 报错,不能把字符和数字做运算
print(int(number) + 10) # int 可将字符串 10 转换成数字 10
print(number + str(10)) # str 将 10 转换为字符串后实现字符串拼接
username = input('username: ')
print('welcome', username) # print 各项间默认以空格作为分隔符
print('welcome ' + username) # 注意引号内最后的空格
In python, there is no difference between single and double quotes, they mean the same
sentence = 'tom\'s pet is a cat' # 单引号中间还有单引号,可以转义 sentence2 = "tom's pet is a cat" # 也可以用双引号包含单引号 sentence3 = "tom said:\"hello world!\"" sentence4 = 'tom said:"hello world"' # 三个连续的单引号或双引号,可以保存输入格式,允许输入多行字符串 words = """ hello world abcd""" print(words) py_str = 'python' len(py_str) # 取长度 py_str[0] # 第一个字符 'python'[0] py_str[-1] # 最后一个字符 # py_str[6] # 错误,下标超出范围 py_str[2:4] # 切片,起始下标包含,结束下标不包含 py_str[2:] # 从下标为 2 的字符取到结尾 py_str[:2] # 从开头取到下标是 2 之前的字符 py_str[:] # 取全部 py_str[::2] # 步长值为 2,默认是 1 py_str[1::2] # 取出 yhn py_str[::-1] # 步长为负,表示自右向左取 py_str + ' is good' # 简单的拼接到一起 py_str * 3 # 把字符串重复 3 遍 't' in py_str # True 'th' in py_str # True 'to' in py_str # False 'to' not in py_str # True
A list is also a sequence object, but it is a container type, and the list can contain various data
alist = [10, 20, 30, 'bob', 'alice', [1,2,3]]
alist[-1] # 取出最后一项
alist[-1][-1] # 因为最后一项是列表,列表还可以继续取下标
[1,2,3][-1] # [1,2,3] 是列表,[-1] 表示列表最后一项
alist[-2][2] # 列表倒数第 2 项是字符串,再取出字符下标为 2 的字符
alist[3:5] # ['bob', 'alice']
10 in alist # True
'o' in alist # False
100 not in alist # True
alist[-1] = 100 # 修改最后一项的值
alist.append(200) # 向**列表中追加一项
Tuples are basically the same as lists, except that tuples are immutable and lists are mutable.
atuple = (10, 20, 30, 'bob', 'alice', [1,2,3])
10 in atuple
# atuple[-1] = 100 # 错误,元组是不可变的
# 字典是 key-value(键-值)对形式的,没有顺序,通过键取出值
adict = {'name': 'bob', 'age': 23}
'bob' in adict # False
'name' in adict # True
adict['email'] = '' # 字典中没有 key,则添加新项目
adict['age'] = 25 # 字典中已有 key,修改对应的 value
Individual data can also be used as a judgment condition. Any number and empty object with a value of 0 is False, and any non-zero number or non-empty object is True.
if 3 > 0:
if 10 in [10, 20, 30]:
if -0.0:
print('yes') # 任何值为 0 的数字都是 False
if [1, 2]:
print('yes') # 非空对象都是 True
if ' ':
print('yes') # 空格字符也是字符,条件为 True
a = 10
b = 20
if a < b:
smaller = a
smaller = b
s = a if a < b else b # 和上面的 if-else 语句等价
import getpass # 导入模块
username = input('username: ')
# getpass 模块中,有一个方法也叫 getpass
password = getpass.getpass('password: ')
if username == 'bob' and password == '123456':
print('Login successful')
print('Login incorrect')
import random
num = random.randint(1, 10) # 随机生成 1-10 之间的数字
answer = int(input('guess a number: ')) # 将用户输入的字符转成整数
if answer > num:
elif answer < num:
print('the number:', num)
score = int(input('分数:'))
if score >= 90:
elif score >= 80:
elif score >= 70:
elif score >= 60:
score = int(input('分数:'))
if score >= 60 and score < 70:
elif 70 <= score < 80:
elif 80 <= score < 90:
elif score >= 90:
import random all_choices = ['石头', '剪刀', '布'] computer = random.choice(all_choices) player = input('请出拳:') # print('Your choice:', player, "Computer's choice:", computer) print("Your choice: %s, Computer's choice: %s" % (player, computer)) if player == '石头': if computer == '石头': print('平局') elif computer == '剪刀': print('You WIN!!!') else: print('You LOSE!!!') elif player == '剪刀': if computer == '石头': print('You LOSE!!!') elif computer == '剪刀': print('平局') else: print('You WIN!!!') else: if computer == '石头': print('You WIN!!!') elif computer == '剪刀': print('You LOSE!!!') else: print('平局')
import random all_choices = ['石头', '剪刀', '布'] win_list = [['石头', '剪刀'], ['剪刀', '布'], ['布', '石头']] prompt = """(0) 石头 (1) 剪刀 (2) 布 请选择 (0/1/2): """ computer = random.choice(all_choices) ind = int(input(prompt)) player = all_choices[ind] print("Your choice: %s, Computer's choice: %s" % (player, computer)) if player == computer: print('\033[32;1m 平局、033[0m') elif [player, computer] in win_list: print('\033[31;1mYou WIN!!!\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1mYou LOSE!!!\033[0m')
import random
num = random.randint(1, 10)
running = True
while running:
answer = int(input('guess the number: '))
if answer > num:
elif answer < num:
running = False
import random num = random.randint(1, 10) counter = 0 while counter < 5: answer = int(input('guess the number: ')) if answer > num: print('猜大了') elif answer < num: print('猜小了') else: print('猜对了') break counter += 1 else: # 循环被 break 就不执行了,没有被 break 才执行 print('the number is:', num)
Because the number of loops is known, it is recommended to use the for loop in actual use
sum100 = 0
counter = 1
while counter < 101:
sum100 += counter
counter += 1
break is to end the loop. After the break, the code in the loop body will not be executed.
while True:
yn = input('Continue(y/n): ')
if yn in ['n', 'N']:
Calculates the sum of even numbers up to 100.
continue is to skip the rest of the loop and return to the loop condition.
sum100 = 0
counter = 0
while counter < 100:
counter += 1
# if counter % 2:
if counter % 2 == 1:
sum100 += counter
astr = 'hello' alist = [10, 20, 30] atuple = ('bob', 'tom', 'alice') adict = {'name': 'john', 'age': 23} for ch in astr: print(ch) for i in alist: print(i) for name in atuple: print(name) for key in adict: print('%s: %s' % (key, adict[key]))
# range(10) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# >>> list(range(10))
# range(6, 11) # [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
# range(1, 10, 2) # [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
# range(10, 0, -1) # [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
sum100 = 0
for i in range(1, 101):
sum100 += i
Given two numbers first in the list, the next number is always the sum of the first two numbers.
fib = [0, 1]
for i in range(8):
fib.append(fib[-1] + fib[-2])
for i in range(1, 10):
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print('%s*%s=%s' % (j, i, i * j), end=' ')
# i=1 ->j: [1]
# i=2 ->j: [1,2]
# i=3 ->j: [1,2,3]
# 由用户指定相乘到多少
n = int(input('number: '))
for i in range(1, n + 1):
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print('%s*%s=%s' % (j, i, i * j), end=' ')
# 10+5 的结果放到列表中
[10 + 5]
# 10+5 这个表达式计算 10 次
[10 + 5 for i in range(10)]
# 10+i 的 i 来自于循环
[10 + i for i in range(10)]
[10 + i for i in range(1, 11)]
# 通过 if 过滤,满足 if 条件的才参与 10+i 的运算
[10 + i for i in range(1, 11) if i % 2 == 1]
[10 + i for i in range(1, 11) if i % 2]
# 生成 IP 地址列表
['192.168.1.%s' % i for i in range(1, 255)]
import random all_choices = ['石头', '剪刀', '布'] win_list = [['石头', '剪刀'], ['剪刀', '布'], ['布', '石头']] prompt = """(0) 石头 (1) 剪刀 (2) 布 请选择 (0/1/2): """ cwin = 0 pwin = 0 while cwin < 2 and pwin < 2: computer = random.choice(all_choices) ind = int(input(prompt)) player = all_choices[ind] print("Your choice: %s, Computer's choice: %s" % (player, computer)) if player == computer: print('\033[32;1m 平局、033[0m') elif [player, computer] in win_list: pwin += 1 print('\033[31;1mYou WIN!!!\033[0m') else: cwin += 1 print('\033[31;1mYou LOSE!!!\033[0m')
# 文件操作的三个步骤:打开、读写、关闭 # cp /etc/passwd /tmp f = open('/tmp/passwd') # 默认以 r 的方式打开纯文本文件 data = # read() 把所有内容读取出来 print(data) data = # 随着读写的进行,文件指针向后移动。 # 因为第一个 已经把文件指针移动到结尾了,所以再读就没有数据了 # 所以 data 是空字符串 f.close() f = open('/tmp/passwd') data = # 读 4 字节 f.readline() # 读到换行符、n 结束 f.readlines() # 把每一行数据读出来放到列表中 f.close() ################################ f = open('/tmp/passwd') for line in f: print(line, end='') f.close() ############################## f = open('图片地址', 'rb') # 打开非文本文件要加参数 b f.close() ################################## f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w') # 'w'打开文件,如果文件不存在则创建 f.write('hello world!\n') f.flush() # 立即将缓存中的数据同步到磁盘 f.writelines(['2nd line.\n', 'new line.\n']) f.close() # 关闭文件的时候,数据保存到磁盘 ############################## with open('/tmp/passwd') as f: print(f.readline()) ######################### f = open('/tmp/passwd') f.tell() # 查看文件指针的位置 f.readline() f.tell(), 0) # 第一个数字是偏移量,第 2 位是数字是相对位置。 # 相对位置 0 表示开头,1 表示当前,2 表示结尾 f.tell() f.close()
To copy a file is to open the source file with r, open the target file with w, read the source file data, and write it to the target file.
Here's the [NOT RECOMMENDED] way, but it will work:
f1 = open('/bin/ls', 'rb')
f2 = open('/root/ls', 'wb')
data =
Read 4K each time, until the end of reading:
src_fname = '/bin/ls'
dst_fname = '/root/ls'
src_fobj = open(src_fname, 'rb')
dst_fobj = open(dst_fname, 'wb')
while True:
data = # 每次读取 4K
if not data:
Note: Numbers in positional parameters are in character form
import sys
print(sys.argv) # sys.argv 是 sys 模块里的 argv 列表
# python3
# python3 10
# python3 10 bob
def gen_fib(l):
fib = [0, 1]
for i in range(l - len(fib)):
fib.append(fib[-1] + fib[-2])
return fib # 返回列表,不返回变量 fib
a = gen_fib(10)
print('-' * 50)
n = int(input("length: "))
print(gen_fib(n)) # 不会把变量 n 传入,是把 n 代表的值赋值给形参
import sys def copy(src_fname, dst_fname): src_fobj = open(src_fname, 'rb') dst_fobj = open(dst_fname, 'wb') while True: data = if not data: break dst_fobj.write(data) src_fobj.close() dst_fobj.close() copy(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) # 执行方式 # /etc/hosts /tmp/zhuji.txt
def mtable(n):
for i in range(1, n + 1):
for j in range(1, i + 1):
print('%s*%s=%s' % (j, i, i * j), end=' ')
Every file with a py extension is a module.
hi = 'hello world!'
def pstar(n=50):
print('*' * n)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import star
The name of this file is:
1. Set a basic string for randomly extracting characters. In this example, use uppercase and lowercase letters plus numbers.
2. Cycle n times, randomly extracting a character each time.
3. Stitching each character Get up and save it in the variable result
from random import choice import string all_chs = string.ascii_letters + string.digits # 大小写字母加数字 def gen_pass(n=8): result = '' for i in range(n): ch = choice(all_chs) result += ch return result if __name__ == '__main__': print(gen_pass()) print(gen_pass(4)) print(gen_pass(10))
from random import randint
alist = list() # []
list('hello') # ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
list((10, 20, 30)) # [10, 20, 30] 元组转列表
astr = str() # ''
str(10) # '10'
str(['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']) # 将列表转成字符串
atuple = tuple() # ()
tuple('hello') # ('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o')
num_list = [randint(1, 100) for i in range(10)]
alist = [10, 'john'] # list(enumerate(alist)) # [(0, 10), (1, 'john')] # a, b = 0, 10 # a->0 ->10 for ind in range(len(alist)): print('%s: %s' % (ind, alist[ind])) for item in enumerate(alist): print('%s: %s' % (item[0], item[1])) for ind, val in enumerate(alist): print('%s: %s' % (ind, val)) atuple = (96, 97, 40, 75, 58, 34, 69, 29, 66, 90) sorted(atuple) sorted('hello') for i in reversed(atuple): print(i, end=',')
py_str = 'hello world!' py_str.capitalize() py_str.title(), '#') py_str.ljust(50, '*') py_str.rjust(50, '*') py_str.count('l') # 统计 l 出现的次数 py_str.count('lo') py_str.endswith('!') # 以!结尾吗? py_str.endswith('d!') py_str.startswith('a') # 以 a 开头吗? py_str.islower() # 字母都是小写的?其他字符不考虑 py_str.isupper() # 字母都是大写的?其他字符不考虑 'Hao123'.isdigit() # 所有字符都是数字吗? 'Hao123'.isalnum() # 所有字符都是字母数字? ' hello\t '.strip() # 去除两端空白字符,常用 ' hello\t '.lstrip() ' hello\t '.rstrip() 'how are you?'.split() 'hello.tar.gz'.split('.') '.'.join(['hello', 'tar', 'gz']) '-'.join(['hello', 'tar', 'gz'])
"%s is %s years old" % ('bob', 23) # 常用 "%s is %d years old" % ('bob', 23) # 常用 "%s is %d years old" % ('bob', 23.5) # %d 是整数 常用 "%s is %f years old" % ('bob', 23.5) "%s is %5.2f years old" % ('bob', 23.5) # %5.2f 是宽度为 5,2 位小数 "97 is %c" % 97 "11 is %#o" % 11 # %#o 表示有前缀的 8 进制 "11 is %#x" % 11 "%10s%5s" % ('name', 'age') # %10s 表示总宽度为 10,右对齐,常用 "%10s%5s" % ('bob', 25) "%10s%5s" % ('alice', 23) "%-10s%-5s" % ('name', 'age') # %-10s 表示左对齐,常用 "%-10s%-5s" % ('bob', 25) "%10d" % 123 "%010d" % 123 "{} is {} years old".format('bob', 25) "{1} is {0} years old".format(25, 'bob') "{:<10}{:<8}".format('name', 'age')
import shutil with open('/etc/passwd', 'rb') as sfobj: with open('/tmp/mima.txt', 'wb') as dfobj: shutil.copyfileobj(sfobj, dfobj) # 拷贝文件对象 shutil.copyfile('/etc/passwd', '/tmp/mima2.txt') shutil.copy('/etc/shadow', '/tmp/') # cp /etc/shadow /tmp/ shutil.copy2('/etc/shadow', '/tmp/') # cp -p /etc/shadow /tmp/ shutil.move('/tmp/mima.txt', '/var/tmp/') # mv /tmp/mima.txt /var/tmp/ shutil.copytree('/etc/security', '/tmp/anquan') # cp -r /etc/security /tmp/anquan shutil.rmtree('/tmp/anquan') # rm -rf /tmp/anquan # 将 mima2.txt 的权限设置成与/etc/shadow 一样 shutil.copymode('/etc/shadow', '/tmp/mima2.txt') # 将 mima2.txt 的元数据设置成与/etc/shadow 一样 # 元数据使用 stat /etc/shadow 查看 shutil.copystat('/etc/shadow', '/tmp/mima2.txt') shutil.chown('/tmp/mima2.txt', user='zhangsan', group='zhangsan')
import os def get_fname(): while True: fname = input('filename: ') if not os.path.exists(fname): break print('%s already exists. Try again' % fname) return fname def get_content(): content = [] print('输入数据,输入 end 结束') while True: line = input('> ') if line == 'end': break content.append(line) return content def wfile(fname, content): with open(fname, 'w') as fobj: fobj.writelines(content) if __name__ == '__main__': fname = get_fname() content = get_content() content = ['%s\n' % line for line in content] wfile(fname, content)
alist = [1, 2, 3, 'bob', 'alice'] alist[0] = 10 alist[1:3] = [20, 30] alist[2:2] = [22, 24, 26, 28] alist.append(100) alist.remove(24) # 删除第一个 24 alist.index('bob') # 返回下标 blist = alist.copy() # 相当于 blist = alist[:] alist.insert(1, 15) # 向下标为 1 的位置插入数字 15 alist.pop() # 默认弹出最后一项 alist.pop(2) # 弹出下标为 2 的项目 alist.pop(alist.index('bob')) alist.sort() alist.reverse() alist.count(20) # 统计 20 在列表中出现的次数 alist.clear() # 清空 alist.append('new') alist.extend('new') alist.extend(['hello', 'world', 'hehe'])
import sys import keyword import string first_chs = string.ascii_letters + '_' all_chs = first_chs + string.digits def check_id(idt): if keyword.iskeyword(idt): return "%s is keyword" % idt if idt[0] not in first_chs: return "1st invalid" for ind, ch in enumerate(idt[1:]): if ch not in all_chs: return "char in postion #%s invalid" % (ind + 2) return "%s is valid" % idt if __name__ == '__main__': print(check_id(sys.argv[1])) # python3 abc@123
For the randpass module, see "37-Generate Password/Verification Code"
import subprocess import sys from randpass import gen_pass def adduser(username, password, fname): data = """user information: %s: %s """'useradd %s' % username, shell=True) 'echo %s | passwd --stdin %s' % (password, username), shell=True ) with open(fname, 'a') as fobj: fobj.write(data % (username, password)) if __name__ == '__main__': username = sys.argv[1] password = gen_pass() adduser(username, password, '/tmp/user.txt') # python3 john
stack = [] def push_it(): item = input('item to push: ') stack.append(item) def pop_it(): if stack: print("from stack popped %s" % stack.pop()) def view_it(): print(stack) def show_menu(): cmds = {'0': push_it, '1': pop_it, '2': view_it} # 将函数存入字典 prompt = """(0) push it (1) pop it (2) view it (3) exit Please input your choice(0/1/2/3): """ while True: # input() 得到字符串,用 strip() 去除两端空白,再取下标为 0 的字符 choice = input(prompt).strip()[0] if choice not in '0123': print('Invalid input. Try again.') continue if choice == '3': break cmds[choice]() if __name__ == '__main__': show_menu()
import sys
def unix2dos(fname):
dst_fname = fname + '.txt'
with open(fname) as src_fobj:
with open(dst_fname, 'w') as dst_fobj:
for line in src_fobj:
line = line.rstrip() + '\r\n'
if __name__ == '__main__':
\r is a carriage return without a newline
import time
length = 19
count = 0
while True:
print('\r%s@%s' % ('#' * count, '#' * (length - count)), end='')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if count == length:
count = 0
count += 1
adict = dict() # {} dict(['ab', 'cd']) bdict = dict([('name', 'bob'),('age', 25)]) {}.fromkeys(['zhangsan', 'lisi', 'wangwu'], 11) for key in bdict: print('%s: %s' % (key, bdict[key])) print("%(name)s: %(age)s" % bdict) bdict['name'] = 'tom' bdict['email'] = '' del bdict['email'] bdict.pop('age') bdict.clear()
adict = dict([('name', 'bob'),('age', 25)])
hash(10) # 判断给定的数据是不是不可变的,不可变数据才能作为 key
# get 方法常用,重要
adict.get('name') # 取出字典中 name 对应的 value,如果没有返回 None
print(adict.get('qq')) # None
print(adict.get('qq', 'not found')) # 没有 qq,返回指定内容
print(adict.get('age', 'not found'))
adict.update({'phone': '13455667788'})
# 集合相当于是无值的字典,所以也用{}表示 myset = set('hello') len(myset) for ch in myset: print(ch) aset = set('abc') bset = set('cde') aset & bset # 交集 aset.intersection(bset) # 交集 aset | bset # 并集 aset.union(bset) # 并集 aset - bset # 差补 aset.difference(bset) # 差补 aset.add('new') aset.update(['aaa', 'bbb']) aset.remove('bbb') cset = set('abcde') dset = set('bcd') cset.issuperset(dset) # cset 是 dset 的超集么? cset.issubset(dset) # cset 是 dset 的子集么?
# cp /etc/passwd .
# cp /etc/passwd mima
# vim mima -> 修改,与 passwd 有些区别
with open('passwd') as fobj:
aset = set(fobj)
with open('mima') as fobj:
bset = set(fobj)
with open('diff.txt', 'w') as fobj:
fobj.writelines(bset - aset)
import getpass userdb = {} def register(): username = input('username: ') if username in userdb: print('%s already exists.' % username) else: password = input('password: ') userdb[username] = password def login(): username = input('username: ') password = getpass.getpass("password: ") if userdb.get(username) != password: print('login failed') else: print('login successful') def show_menu(): cmds = {'0': register, '1': login} prompt = """(0) register (1) login (2) exit Please input your choice(0/1/2): """ while True: choice = input(prompt).strip()[0] if choice not in '012': print('Invalid inupt. Try again.') continue if choice == '2': break cmds[choice]() if __name__ == '__main__': show_menu()
import time
result = 0
start = time.time() # 返回运算前时间戳
for i in range(10000000):
result += i
end = time.time() # 返回运算后时间戳
print(end - start)
import time t = time.localtime() # 返回当前时间的九元组 time.gmtime() # 返回格林威治 0 时区当前时间的九元组 time.time() # 常用,与 1970-1-1 8:00 之间的秒数,时间戳 time.mktime(t) # 把九元组时间转成时间戳 time.sleep(1) time.asctime() # 如果有参数,是九元组形式 time.ctime() # 返回当前时间,参数是时间戳,常用 time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # 常用 time.strptime('2018-07-20', "%Y-%m-%d") # 返回九元组时间格式 time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') ########################################### from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta # 返回当前时间的 datetime 对象 # 同上,可以用时区作参数 datetime.strptime('2018/06/30', '%Y/%m/%d') # 返回 datetime 对象 dt = datetime.ctime(dt) datetime.strftime(dt, "%Y%m%d") days = timedelta(days=90, hours=3) # 常用 dt2 = dt + days dt2.year dt2.month dt2.hour
import os os.getcwd() # 显示当前路径 os.listdir() # ls -a os.listdir('/tmp') # ls -a /tmp os.mkdir('/tmp/mydemo') # mkdir /tmp/mydemo os.chdir('/tmp/mydemo') # cd /tmp/mydemo os.listdir() os.mknod('test.txt') # touch test.txt os.symlink('/etc/hosts', 'zhuji') # ln -s /etc/hosts zhuji os.path.isfile('test.txt') # 判断 test.txt 是不是文件 os.path.islink('zhuji') # 判断 zhuji 是不是软链接 os.path.isdir('/etc') os.path.exists('/tmp') # 判断是否存在 os.path.basename('/tmp/abc/aaa.txt') os.path.dirname('/tmp/abc/aaa.txt') os.path.split('/tmp/abc/aaa.txt') os.path.join('/home/tom', 'xyz.txt') os.path.abspath('test.txt') # 返回当前目录 test.txt 的绝对路径
import pickle
取出来的时候数据类型不变,就用到 pickle 了
# shop_list = ["eggs", "apple", "peach"]
# with open('/tmp/', 'wb') as fobj:
# pickle.dump(shop_list, fobj)
with open('/tmp/', 'rb') as fobj:
mylist = pickle.load(fobj)
print(mylist[0], mylist[1], mylist[2])
try: # 把有可能发生异常的语句放到 try 里执行
n = int(input("number: "))
result = 100 / n
except ValueError:
print('invalid number')
except ZeroDivisionError:
print('0 not allowed')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except EOFError:
n = int(input("number: "))
result = 100 / n
except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
print('invalid number')
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
print(result) # 异常不发生时才执行 else 子句
print('Done') # 不管异常是否发生都必须执行的语句
# 常用形式有 try-except 和 try-finally
source:python black hole net
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