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posted on 2023-05-21 17:19     read(1060)     comment(0)     like(18)     collect(0)

If in the process of traversing the sequence, you need to access the index of the element, for example, to find the specified element through the index, the central idea is to traverse the index number, and find the corresponding element in the sequence through the index number of each loop.

Method 1: Traversing the elements of the sequence

Before the for loop starts, define an initial variable, the value of which is 0, the first index in the sequence starts from 0, and then loop through the sequence itself, after each loop, the initial traversal +1, the next loop At this time, you can find the element corresponding to the second index in the sequence, and print out the element corresponding to the index every time you loop.

mylist = ['jiangxl', 

Category of website: technical article > Blog



source:python black hole net

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