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Anaconda installation - super detailed version (2023)

posted on 2023-05-21 17:19     read(499)     comment(0)     like(20)     collect(3)


When learning machine learning, Anaconda is generally used.

Anaconda is a powerful open source data science platform, which integrates many good tools, greatly simplifies the user's workflow, and can help users solve a series of data science problems.

Some friends are struggling to install python or install anaconda first. The suggestion here is to install anaconda, so there is no need to install python separately, because anaconda comes with python, and after installing anaconda, the default python version is the python version that comes with anaconda.

The installation of Anaconda is divided into two situations:

Situation 1 : The computer is not installed with python or it can be uninstalled now ( uninstall python first when installing Anaconda )

Situation 2: The computer is currently installed with python, but I want to keep it (It is more complicated, please refer to other tutorials on the Internet!)

Completely uninstall python

First, use the uninstall tool that comes with the computer housekeeper to uninstall python , and manually delete the files in the installation directory (this part is very simple and will not be introduced in detail), and then delete the environment variables:

Step 1 : Computer (right click) → Properties → Advanced System Settings → (click) Environment Variables

insert image description here

Step 2 : View the environment variables set by the user, which is the column above, find the path, double-click the value behind the path, and enter to view the environment variables you have set.

insert image description here

Step 3 : Delete all the variables for installing python, select both values ​​in the figure, then click delete, and then confirm ( if the environment variables are automatically deleted after uninstalling python, don’t worry about it! )

insert image description here

Note : When exiting, don't forget that there are several confirmation buttons outside, which also need to be clicked, do not cross them directly, otherwise the settings will not be saved.
insert image description here
ok, at this point, python is completely uninstalled!

Anaconda download address

  • Note: During the Anaconda installation process, the more error-prone link is the configuration of environment variables, so everyone should be more careful when configuring environment variables.

Method 1: Log in to the Anaconda official website .
insert image description here

  • This is how it goes in, just click "Download". (Must be Windows environment and 64-bit)

Method 2: The official website download is too slow, the recommended download address: ** Click here to download from Tsinghua Mirror Station

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Installation detailed steps

  1. Double-click the downloaded installation package

insert image description here

  1. Click Next

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  1. Click I Agree

insert image description here

  1. Select All Users

insert image description here

  1. 选择安装路经,这里一定要选择除了C盘的盘哇!!

insert image description here

  1. 只选择第二项,第二项是说要默认使用python的版本,后期手动添加环境变量

insert image description here

  1. 点击Install,安装需要等待一会儿。

insert image description here

  1. 点击Next:

insert image description here

  1. 对于两个“learn”,都取消打勾,不用打开去看了,耽误时间。

insert image description here

  1. 然后就等待它安装好,安装好后我们需要手动配置环境变量。


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简要说明五条路径的用途:这五个环境变量中,1是Python需要,2是conda自带脚本,3是jupyter notebook动态库, 4是使用C with python的时候

insert image description here


同时按 win + r ,输入cmd,在弹出的命令行查看anaconda版本,输入 :

conda --version

insert image description here


insert image description here

在电脑屏幕左下角的Windows徽标键这里,选择点击绿色圈圈Anaconda Navifator将其打开
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conda install 包名

It is very convenient to install the required Python package, but the official server is abroad, and the download speed is slow. Tsinghua University in China provides a mirror warehouse of Anaconda. We change the source toMirror source of Tsinghua University

Operate in the Anaconda prompt:

insert image description here

Enter the following command on the command line to

conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --set show_channel_urls yes

insert image description here

Check if the channel is modified:

conda config --show channels

insert image description here

restore default sources

conda config --remove-key channels

Delete the old mirror source

conda config --remove channels

Add a new mirror source

conda config --add channels

Super detailed and complete uninstall Anaconda tutorial

Completely uninstall the Anaconda tutorial, reproduced!

Tensorflow-gpu installation

If you want to do deep learning, you may need to install tensorflow, pytorch, etc. If you need to install tensorflow-gpu, you can refer to my other blog:

Tensorflow-gpu nanny level installation tutorial

Category of website: technical article > Blog



source:python black hole net

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